Thursday, September 1, 2011

Coach Duwaine's First Day Back in School

It is September 1, 2011 and it is my first day of Professional Development at my school.  Since the end of the previous school year until now I have been in classes that have challenged me to think outside of the box and teach with the 21st century in mind through the use of technology.  My principal showed us the video “Shift Happens” and it was very interesting.  I realized that what she showed today is what I have been studying over the summer through this degree program at FSO.  Here is the link;
After watching this video I confidently said to myself, “I’m ahead of the game right now.” I know how to create things that my students will be interested in.  I will be able to engage them in things that are relevant to them.  I will be able to motivate them this year in ways that I haven’t been able to do in the past. 
I also found out today that our sports budget is taking a huge hit.  Do students come to school just to read and write?  No they come to socialize with their peers in an environment that should give them the skills to succeed in life after school.  I am wondering how this news will affect them.  Will they still be motivated to come to school if there aren’t that many activities?  I am focusing on motivating students to attend school and be on time.  I am now curious to see how this wrinkle will play itself out.  I will be keeping you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Duwaine,
    That's so awesome that you're finding ways to use what we've learned. I left my teaching job, so I don't have any practical applications yet, but hopefully soon I will! That's too bad that your sports budget is being cut. Hopefully your new technology skills will be helpful in giving the students the motivation they need!
